Self Care is VITAL to our health and overall well-being.  It is the new norm if we are to sustain and last the test of our current times. Creating or carving out a window of time to nurture ourselves, throughout the week, boosts our mood, energises us and significantly reduces stress. Self-nurturing is not a luxury, but rather a responsibility – how you treat yourself directly affects the people around you.

EVOHE as a brand is a champion of Self Care and these packs are a wonderful companion in your day-to-day life.  For more support with your Self Care, you may like to try our Self Care Discovery questionnaire or see where you rate on our Burn Out Quiz.

Wherever you are in your life, please know that you are not alone. We at EVOHE know that these products are made intentionally with love and care and that somehow the EVOHE glow will find its way to you.